Sunday, April 28, 2019

When You Are Called To Spiritual Warfare

God placed our first parents in a beautiful garden. Some scholars believe it became a desert wilderness within one generation after the fall. It was into that wilderness that our Messiah came, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sometimes God places people in strategic places to advance His Kingdom. Some of the work may involve pulling down demonic strongholds that have been in place for centuries. This can be very arduous and tiring. If we try it in our own strength, it can destroy us.

I received gifts at my baptism in 1959. One of these gifts was prophetic. God knew it, The Devil knew it. I didn't know it. The church we belonged to knew nothing of the prophetic, or at least didn't teach it. The Wesleyan fire that had started that movement was watered down by the time it reached me. I pray for the man who baptized me. He was either a saint, or he was possessed.

In 1970, the Lord moved me to Bakersfield to do spiritual warfare. God knew it. The Devil knew it. I didn't know it. I was a mere lad of 11. Even then, I was aware that I had invaded enemy territory. I encountered hostile forces, some of which were flesh and blood. There was a network of power in place in this town. A crony "good old boys" network that was highly insidious. Some of the players' sins became public over time.  I ran up against many masculinized angry women, who were part of the network. Everyone in that network were "christians."

If you do not like doing spiritual warfare, you can always run from it. Many of the Old Testament prophets ran from theirs. You can turn to your work, hobbies, alcohol or sex. In Bakersfield, you will be supported by many churches who teach that you can never be lost once you accept Jesus as your personal savior. If you are part of the "network," you may even find yourself in a position of authority in one of those churches.

After my world came crashing down, I moved to Merced where I experienced a great move of God in my personal life. In a sense, I had retreated from the land of the "enemy." One of the things God did for me in Merced, was prepare me for another tour of duty.

In 2015, I moved back to Bakersfield a little wiser and more spiritually aware. In spite of this, I have wondered most of the time since, if I misheard God.

Prophets are NEVER accepted in their hometown. (Luke 4:24)

If you say you are a Catholic Charismatic Prophetic Intercessor, some of the local Christians will get parts of that. Most will say you are confused.

You never quite fit in. You get thrown out of organizations and some churches. You feel that someone is always watching you. You will have people get angry at you for no apparent reason.  You will have people trying to start fights with you on Facebook. You will have "christians" you never met come harass you at your place of business. You will have an occasional "christian" married couple try to rope you into a sexual tryst.

The enemy will show you travelogues of other places that seem so tranquil and beautiful. You will wonder if God is leading you to move somewhere else. Surely you could be like other Christians who belong to healthy, loving little churches in places with little to no stress. This must be the real plan of God that you missed.

The Lord said, "you are well known to the principalities over this area, and they hate you."

I finally asked the Lord to either open a door for me to move, or give me a new heart for Bakersfield.

God loved the people of Ninevah and sent them Jonah. God loves the people of Bakersfield.

When the Kingdom of God starts to prevail in a place and the old strongholds are broken, it can be confusing. Church leaders are brought up on unfortunate charges, either true or false. This will test your faith and you will find out if your house is built on the Rock of Christ, or the sands of one of the christian ministries that was really a personality cult. "Oh, you are Catholic? I just love Pope Francis or Father so and so," be careful. Be very careful.

When the church leaders fall, God wants to use the event to bring about their salvation. Old habits are hard to break, especially the ones based on pride.  Pray for them.

If you agree to stay in that area, God will bring others into your life with similar experiences.

"When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. " (Psalm 84:6)

"The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing." (Isaiah 51:3)

"God of eternal compassion,

  each Easter you rekindle the faith of your consecrated people.
Give them still greater grace, so that all may truly understand
  the waters in which they were cleansed,
  the Spirit by which they were reborn,
  the blood by which they were redeemed.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
  who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
  one God, for ever and ever.

From the Morning Prayer Office 4/28/19